Below is a compilation of important telephone numbers, emergency numbers and information for emergencies and also general information about staying and holidaying in Conil.
Emergency numbers
- Emergency call: 112
- Emergencias Sanitarias (emergency doctor / ambulance): 061 or 112
- Bomberos Conil (fire brigade): 080 or 085
- Policía local (Conil POLICE): 956 440 125 or 092
Calle Camino de Chiclana, Conil - Guardia Civil (Police – Periphery & Traffic): 956 440 124 or 062
Calle Carretera, Conil
- Conil Public Medical Centre (Ambulatorio Conil): 956 442 747
Avda. Gonzalo Sanchez Fuentes, Conil - Puerto Real University Hospital (Hospital): 956 005 000
Ctra. N-IV Km. 665 (about 30 min from Conil) - Hospital de Alta Resolución La Janda: 956 459 527
CT A-2230, s/n, 11150 Vejer de la Frontera (about 15 min from Conil) - San Sebastian Private Medical Centre: 956 44 23 84
Calle Entorno de Donana 2, Conil - Private clinic “Clinica Viamed Novo Sancti Petri”: 956 49 50 00
Urb. Novo Santi Petri, Av. Octavio Augusto, s/n, Chiclana de la Frontera - Dentist: Clinica Dental “Dr. Chamorrow”: 956 443 175
Calle Laguna 9, Conil
Transport & Taxi
- Taxi Conil (Radio Taxi): 956 445 039 or 956 440 787 or 956 440 975
- Railway( 902 240 202
next train station is “San Fernando - Jerez Airport (Aeropuerto): 956 150 000
- Seville Airport (Aeropuerto): 954 449 000
- Malaga Airport (Aeropuerto): 952 048 844
General information
- City Hall (Ayuntamiento): 956 440 306
- Tourist Information (Oficina Municipal de Turismo): 956 440 500
Calle Carretera 1, Conil - Post Office (Correos): 956 440 056
Calle La Vid 7, Conil
International numbers for emergencies
Money cards
- Blocking the credit card (central call number): +49 116 116
- Blocking the EC card (central telephone number): +49 30 40504050
- ADAC Head Office: +49 89 222222
- Cent. Motor insurer: +49 800 6683663
Federal Foreign Office
- Head office (24h): +49 30 18170
- Citizens’ Service: +49 30 18172000
(Mon-Fri, 9am-3pm)